North London Ride Out 23rd June

Hello Everyone.   

North London visit Stonham Barns

On 23rd June Robin led a lovely ride to Stonham Barns for some lunch, a lovely place but the food a bit underwhelming in the cafe there.

Eight of us went with a stop at the Swan, Wakes Colne for refreshments and then through Hadleigh and Needham Market.

There was some slightly poor marking on the way with the marker too deep in some of the junctions and some riders looking too straight ahead and missing the marker.

This caused a few minor delays and also a problem when some heavy late breaking by me going past a marker that had been missed meant another of our bikes hit me up the chuff.

I stayed on but there is minor but awkward damage to sort out.

I then led on the way back as we were a bit late and had missed Stuart for lunch, only just though.

I went directly across country to Sudbury for a nice stop in the square before home via Sible Hedingham, Finchingfield, Dunmow and then Ongar for a few of us.

A nice day all in all. Thank you everyone!

