The regulars had a great night at their Xmas Dinner. Thanks to Maria for taking the photo. Thanks to all for the support this year and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the other branches.
Steve & Maria.

The regulars had a great night at their Xmas Dinner. Thanks to Maria for taking the photo. Thanks to all for the support this year and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the other branches.
Steve & Maria.
West London branch enjoy a fantastic Chinese Buffet get together at the Moon In Moon
Another two ride outs for the Oxford HOC members on Easter Sunday – one a ride around the Wiltshire countryside with a […]
We had a good ride out today, short but sweet. Through Scorton, Richmond to the Manor cafe for a bacon roll then […]
Had a great short weekend with the Wiltshire Branch HOC down at Pewsey 😊Many thanks to all that put the work into putting […]
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