Rideout to Angler’s Restaurant Benone

Sunday ride out, destination -Anglers Rest Benone on the scenic north coast. Greg O’Hagan was tasked with putting together this run.

Our meet point was the fuel station in Toomebridge, attending was myself Greg O’Hagan, our boss Antony Fleming, Hayley Gray and Aaron ..we welcomed two new members on board ,motorbike Steve and Gerry ..

A fantastic ride down to portglenone,kilrea ,Coleraine ,downhill and to the anglers rest in benone . Harry Watters and his friend Katie met us down there ..after all the meats and veg and gossip we headed home through Limavady and Dungiven..and from the top of Glenshane pass it was rain ,rain and a little more rain . All Honda’s and those that identified as Honda’s made it home safe and sound ,,,,a few soggy bottoms but everyone’s home now and dried out ..thanks to all who attended..👍🏽..hope to see yous all soon.

Greg O’Hagan Northern Ireland