October 23rd was a Wednesday. The day for us oldies/retirees to recapture our youth and freedom. How to do it? Motorcycling… 😊
The ever dependable Dave Plumb gathered us together at Birchanger and after the usual chat about all our health problems he led us to the Street cafe at Newmarket for lunch. I thought I knew the area quite well but some of the fine roads were new to me and I could not relate the route with much accuracy. The five of us had a fine breakfast style lunch, a good chat, then we were off again and after dragging our bodies onto the bikes went East to Days Bakery in Newton. Very nice here. Our route home was South through Barkway and Hare Street, the Hadhams and Harlow. A great day with dry roads and the sun making a late appearance. Chris kindly paid for lunch and Dave L for afternoon tea. A cheap day for me, 😉. John C took the pictures..