Last November we bought 5 of these gorgeous Tankards to sell and by the 1st day of the Motorcycle Live Show, they had all gone off to their new homes. As they did so well, I now have another 5 of them to sell, but these will only be available in person again as the previous ones were due to cost and risk of posting them out to people. I will be attending the next Managers Meeting on the 2nd February 2020, so my thoughts are if you would like one and are not a member of the committee, then you can ask your Branch Secretary/representative to collect it for you. They are £19.99 and well worth it, they are so nice, and went down a storm on the last run.
There may be other opportunities to get them from me, but this is the first and soonest one. Please message me if you would like one so I can put it to one side for you, also if you have any other thoughts about me getting them to you other than the meeting, then again please email me and ask, I’m sure we can arrange something.
Many thanks
Rona xx