It is with a very heavy heart that the HOC and especially the Three Shires Branch have lost a very dear friend and wonderful man. R.I.P. Peter, ride safe with the rest of the HOC family.
Our condolences go to all of Peter’s family and friends.
It is with a very heavy heart that the HOC and especially the Three Shires Branch have lost a very dear friend and wonderful man. R.I.P. Peter, ride safe with the rest of the HOC family.
Our condolences go to all of Peter’s family and friends.
Paul led us on a brilliant ride out today with the Darlington and district Honda owners club from the Model T up […]
We don’t have a North Wales Branch in the HOC at the moment, but a few of us got together to have […]
It was the HOC Classic Show on Saturday, again hosted at the David Silver Honda Collection in Leiston, Suffolk, where our Classics […]
Marc led us on a brilliant ride out today over some stunning countryside and along some “Interesting ” roads. We all really […]
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