North London Used to be indecisive but their not so sure anymore


North London get soggy 

October 29th was a day when the weather forecast kept changing beforehand but we decided on a ride nonetheless.

Six of us left our usual McDees and went up to the Hungry Stag Diner just off the A14 near Bury St Eddies.

Our route was Shearing, Takeley, Thaxted, Haverhill and up the A143. The roads were great and though they were wet it did not rain on us at all.

Modern sports touring tyres can deal with wet roads nicely.

After a great lunch we got on the bikes but the fairly heavy rain had by then arrived and we started homeward bound through Rattlesden, Cockfield and Lavenham.

By now it looked like the rain was here to stay and I cancelled another stop and decided to head home more directly than planned.

However, fate had another card to play, the rain starting to peter out by the time we reached Sudbury, I changed plans again and we went to Finchingfield via Sible Heddingham.

We had a nice stop here and the sun was almost out! The rest of the ride home was also rain free.

A nice day after all.
