Chilly weather was forecast to be a rather cold but dry day and that is exactly how it turned out. Five of us met at Birchanger Services on the M11 and had a lovely run through to the Hungry Stag diner East of Bury St Eddy. We went via Thaxted and Haverhill. The food there is very good and it is very friendly. Afterwards I took us across country to Lavenham and Sudbury where we had coffee and cake. At Sudbury one of our group, a right nincompoop called Steve (me) had to pay for the refreshments as he had run out of petrol. The situation was swiftly sorted mainly thanks to Adrian. When I was at school I used to be given lines as a punishment. One of them was writing out repeatedly ‘experience is a hard school but fools will learn no other’. Well I am proud to be that fool. 😊. We all agreed is was a nice but rather chilly day with the extra spice of having me to ridicule.Â
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