Sunday 15th August - Regular Rideout to Snape led by David. Myself (David CB1300 Super Four), Roger and Freda (VSTROM), Phil and Sarah (Black Goldwing ) all met before 0930am at Highway’s Nursery. We set off with a Dog leg over the A146 and made our way towards Teles Patisserie for our much anticipated breakfast. I was stopping occasionally to adjust a malfunctioning iPad which had the route. I noticed we had picked up a straggler and was wondering who that might be. When we arrived at the Café Roger Moore (A new member on a Red Blade) introduced himself. Freda said we now have 2 Roger’s introducing her husband. We went around to the café to get a table then Anna from the café said to move our bikes into the courtyard, which was currently occupied by a large Harley Davidson with it’s chrome all a gleaming. So we went back to where our bikes were and without helmets moved our bikes. Even that short a ride helmetless was a nice feeling. We were on a farm after all. The breakfast was excellent, and afterwards I felt a bit like a champion (as opposed to an onion which has a similar spelling in French). For those also wanting a Portuguese style breakfast note that the campsite shares the single toilet with the café and a queue can develop. At about 1115am we set off on the backroads to Loddon where we picked up the A146 and headed through Beccles, and Henham towards Snape Maltings. The end of the story is, that we made it despite my Satnav screen turning off just before the turning to Snape. We got to the venue. And I had a posh tin of water, whilst others experienced Coffee and Pop. We got on our bikes and headed back to Norfolk. I did not follow Roger as I said I would but said my goodbyes to Phil as we were turning our separate ways in Beccles, saying “See you next time” Rob