We were invited back to the Lion’s Charity Fete once again following
the Covid restrictions and managed to muster a group of seven bikes from
HOC members and friends.
We were joined by Freda in her car, bringing a gazebo giving us
much-needed shade and Michelle in her van supplying us with bacon rolls
and coffee which were also very welcome, so thank you ladies for that.
Once the fete was open, we had a steady stream of people round, looking
at the bikes, asking questions, and telling stories of “back in the
Mark and Michelle’s son, Josh
kindly spent time with us during the day and his bike bolstered our
line up to eight solos.
Phil was busy demonstrating all the bells and
whistles on his Gold Wing to anyone who stopped
to admire his bike, and there were quite a few.
Most of us took the
time to wander around the stalls and attractions including Andy, who
returned with an armful of ice lollies to keep us cool,
thanks Andy.
We received a visit from a couple of the Lions committee members who
thanked us for our efforts and as the crowds began to diminish, we
slowly began to pack up,
answered a few more queries then returned by various routes to our
homes, a very successful day.
Thank you all who came, giving your time freely to support the Lions
charity and answer so many questions.