Honda Day at the Ace Café

23rd June – Honda Sun Day at The Ace

The 150 + bikes which attended the Honda Day at The Ace didn’t need cleaning by the time they got home – the sun shone all day! This ensured an extremely relaxed and entertaining day. We were celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the launch of both the Gold Wing and the CB400/4 at the Cologne bike show back in 1974. There was a fine display of Wings from HOC members. My favourite was HOC member Geoff Bell’s trusty naked GL1000 representing the early models. A host of later models with all their extras filled out the Ace frontage including one with such essential as ‘Safe Stop Retractable Landing Gear Wheels’.

But the show was stolen by the five 400/4s which, when parked up together, drew so many fond comments. Two of these were owned by brothers who had travelled up from Bath. There are certain models which hold a special affection in biker’s hearts, which endures as the years go by, none more so than the 400/4. This was illustrated in the many enthusiastic comments such as ‘I used to have one of those – brilliant bikes!

A good turnout of sixteen members from West London branch were joined by Sarah and Graham. They did a sterling job on the club stand spreading the word about the HOC, selling regalia and signing up new members.

Ace Café owner Mark Wilsmore and Chief Marshal Ashley pulled out all the stops to promote the club – Ashley scaling the roof so that our HOC banner could be strapped aloft just below the Ace Café name as the picture shows. They even very kindly provided our show helpers with vouchers for free food and drink.

Many thanks go to Jude, Simon, Dan (working uncomplainingly through the pain of his bad back – SIJ Sacroiliac Joint – ouch ) Petar, Steve C, Keith R, Mike S, Ian, Geoff and his GW and of course Sarah and Graham G . We couldn’t have done it without you all!

Jon Stone