30 Years of the FireBlade Event at Donnington BSB Weekend

Information direct from Honda GB.

Iain Baker
Motorcycle PR & Events Section Manager
Honda UK
Cain Road
RG12 1HL

I bumped in to my old colleague Nick Campolucci in Reading Honda yesterday (and a few other members) where we had a number of our BSB riders there to celebrate the opening of this new motorcycle dealer.

I mentioned the big event that we are organising in a couple of weeks time (21st & 22nd May) in celebration of 30 years of the Fireblade at Donington and he suggested I also share the information with you. I must confess I had planned that when we launched it last week but the work load has been pretty manic!

If there is anything that you could do to share with your members to encourage people to purchase tickets and attend the event, that would be amazing.

For starters Honda owners receive a 20% discount on tickets and lots of other things as well including parade laps, track sessions, heritage Fireblade display, heritage race bike display, meet our BSB riders, try our rolling road and much more!

For more information on the event activities, please see the link below on our website:

Celebrate 30 years of Honda Fireblade at Donington

The link on MSV’s website to purchase tickets is below:


Any support you could provide would be very grateful and if you have any questions, just let me know.

Kind regards
