West London Branch Have a Bite

We decided that we would have our first branch meeting since lockdown al fresco as social distancing might be easier – we chose probably the busiest Sunday at Ockham Bites in the last few months as a gaggle of petrol heads had converged on the carpark with their 4 wheeled monsters !

Still we decided we would make the best of it and we found a couple of tables to socially distance at and after a bit of a wait  managed to get a rather nice bacon butty etc compliments of HOC West London as a welcome back after all the months of no meets. Hunger satisfied we then went on a shortish but enjoyable run led by Steve Hill. By the time we got back from our ride Ockham Bites had returned to a normal level of activity !

All in all a good first meet and lovely to see you all – especially Julian on his scooter who decided that us rockers weren’t too scary after all 😄  I look forward to our next meet – we aim to do more Sunday meet and runs and some Wednesday rideouts. Details still being sorted but will keep you all posted. In the unlikely event that more than 6 bikes turn up we will have 2 groups 🙂 

Jude Browne