The Howlers Miss The Flight but Enjoy the Departure Lounge.


Eleven happy HOWLers met at the café on the Hogs Back ready for an relaxing ride to the Departure Lounge near Alton.

Jon’s bike wouldn’t start this morning so we had to cable tie the sat nav to the handlebars of the Yellow Peril.

Once the last person had arrived we set off down country lanes and through big puddles until we came to what looked like a river across the road . After only a moments hesitation Jon decided that as there was no turning back we just had to go through. All 8 bikes made it through safely and we carried on our merry way. (The bikes WILL need washing tho)

Once at our destination we checked whose bike was dirtiest before piling into the café for breakfast/lunch/brunch. Steve Cribbin joined us there as he had a few things to attend to before he  could join us.

A convivial few hours were then spent eating and chatting. Just before the café closed, and we were thrown out,  we departed for home in the sunshine.

Thanks to all for coming along for a great meet up—always good to be out with the gang, I  can recommend the Departure Lounge for  being able to pre book, lovely surroundings and great food—and it has a food hygiene rating of 5!

Here’s to the next ride out 🙂
