Today (14th April 2019) we met up at our usual cafe and then headed out towards Newport (Shropshire) along the A 518 which was built on old railway line to Stafford until we got to the A41 when we turned north for a couple of miles looking out for signs to Eccleshall.
Fairly scenic road but would of been better if we were not stuck behind a lorry. Stone came and went as we head towards Cheadle and we start to get our first taste of what’s to come. As we climb the views start to improve as we leave towns behind the country side opens up.
We head in to the Peak district and apart from the road surface the roads and scenery is amazing, steep descents and big climbs with some very tight hairpins make it a challenging but fun ride.
We come out at Bakewell and I was tempted to stop for a tart but as we are near the destination we push on down the A6.
Arriving in Matlock we are greeted to a sea of bikes and we just about manage to find a parking spot. Tea and chips were devoured and then enjoyed a little stroll before time forces us to make our return. Journey back wasn’t as exciting but was a lot quicker. Would of been nice if more came but there is always next time.
Andrew Reid
Honda Owners Club West Midlands Branch Organiser