Mine’s a McGuinness in Brittany:
Dave and Sue White, who used to run the Norfolk Branch, now happily living in Brittany, offered members of the HOC great hospitality for the Bretagne Motoclassic at the end of July.
So Tony and Penny also from the Norfolk branch, joined Jude and Jon (West London) in a memorable long weekend sampling la bonne vie.
With their charming commune of Silfiac as a base, we were able to take local trips out on deserted roads (there doesn’t seem to be any traffic – ever!) climaxing in the annual the Bike Festival at Plouay.
There was an opportunity to swap (😉) autographs with John McGuinness, so friendly, and 4 times winner of the Bol D’Or – Jean-Claude Chemarin.
John Mc G even sent out a video message of best wishes to all in the HOC members. He was certainly enjoying himself, pulling big wheelies up the back straight. And the sidecar antics were a great hoot.
Last year a certain Giacomo Agostini was a guest. If you haven’t been before it’s certainly worth considering – you can opt for any one of a number of Channel crossings.
Oh…and then there was the wine…yes the wine…encore du vin??
Jon Stone.