Solent Branch Calendar.

Hi All

To cover my absence in the coming months we have decided to produce  a programme of  activities for the remainder of the year, which is as follows:

October 2023

Wednesday 4th – Club Night at the Cob & Pen, Wallington – From 1930.

Thursday 5th –  Ride to Billy’s on the Road, Billingshurst – Provisional Leader, Jim Dredge – Meet Wickham Square 1100.

Thursday 12th – Ride to the Silk Mill cafe, Whitchurch – Provisional Leader, Jim – Meet Wickham square 1100.

Wednesday 18th – Club Night at the Cob & Pen, Wallington – From 1930.

Thursday 19th – Ride to Cobs Garden Centre, Headbourne Worthy – Provisional Leader, Dave Irving – Meet Wickham Square 1100.

Thursday 26th – Ride to  the Black Rabbit, Arundel – Provisional Leader, Keith Burkill – Meet Wickham Square 1100.

November 2023

Wednesday 1st – Club Night at the Cob & Pen, Wallington – From 1930.

Thursday 2nd – Ride to the Salt Shack, Hayling – Provisional Leader, Jim – Meet Wickham Square 1100. 

Thursday 9th – Ride to the Cafe at Queen Elizabeth Country Park – Provisional Leader, Jim – Meet Wickham Square 1100.

Wednesday 15th – Club Night at the Cob  & Pen, Wallington – From 1930.

Thursday 16th – No ride planned at present,

Thursday 23rd – Ride to the Iron Bull Roadhouse, Old Basing – Provisional Leader, Jim – Meet Wickham Square 1100.

Wednesday 29th – Club Night at the Cob & Pen, Wallington –  From 1930.

Thursday 30th – Ride to the Cafe by the Lake, Horsham –  Provisional Leader, Keith – Meet  Wickham Square 1100.

December 2023

Thursday 7th – Ride to the Aerodrome Cafe, Goodwood –  Provisional Leader, Jim – Meet Wickham Square 1100.

Wednesday 13th – Last Club Night at the Cob & Pen, Wallington – From 1930.

Thursday 14th – Possible Christmas lunch at the Departure Lounge, Alton – TBA.

If weather permitting, it is hoped to recommence the Thursday rides on 11th January 2024.

