Solent Branch August Events Calander

Hi All

Proposed activities for August are:

Wednesday 2nd –  Ride to the Hampshire Bowman – Meet Wickham Square 1830.

Thursday 3rd – Ride to the Cafe by the  Lake, Horsham – Meet Wickham SSquare 1100.

Wednesday 9th – Club Night at the Cob & Pen, Wallington – From 1930.

Thursday 10th – Ride to The Skies Cafe – Meet Wickham Square 1100.

Wednesday 16th – Ride to the Bush Inn, Ovington – Meet Wickham Square 1830.

Thursday 17th – Ride to The Cafe at the Old Workshop – Meet Wickham Square 1100.

Wednesday 23rd – Club Night at the Cob & Pen, Wallington – From 1930.

Thursday 24th – Ride to Newlands Corner – Meet Wickham Square 1100.

Wednesday 30th- Ride to the  White Hart, Cadnam – Meet Wickham Square 1830.

Thursday 31st – Ride to Slindon Forge Cafe –  Meet Wickham Square 1100.

As always, weather permitting.

