North London are Mucky Pups ๐Ÿ˜

Hello Everyone…

North London make a baker’s dozen.

On 4th February a jolly group of 12 bikes and 13 people met at our usual McDonald’s with our destination being the marvellous B660.

The route to lunch was generally nice going through the Hadhams, Brent Pelham and Royston though I would agree some of the minor roads were a bit covered in damp mud from our agricultural brethren.

A nice lunch was taken at Bury Lane farm shop just north of Royston before we got to the B660 via St Ives and Ramsey.

The road was superb with very light traffic and fast sweeping corners.

From Kimbolton we headed to the A1 at St Neots and turned off was a last stop at Tapps tea room in Baldock.

After a nice stop we used the Baldock bends to get us to the A10 and then to home.

A fine day, but bikes need a wash!

