Norfolk Branch Ride to the Beach and see Seashells on Sizewell’s sea Shore

Sunday 2nd August by Phil Barker. Some excited branch members, including Dave and Diane on the their new and very shiny Harley Davidson Trike, met at Thickthorn services for our long overdue ride-out. The weather could not have been better, sunshine and no wind as we left Norwich and headed up the A140 towards Ipswich. Not long into the ride we turned off the main road and were treated as we passed through many picturesque and quaint villages riding through narrow and rolling back roads before arriving at Sizewell Gap, squeezing our bikes into a few remaining parking spaces. It was not long before some members went for a well deserved bacon roll and a sit on the beach. It was great to see mates whom we have not seen since the 'lock down', and we came away with a warm glow, which might have been in part because we were next to the Nuclear Power station.