Norfolk Branch Blazing Saddles to Orford

Lesson 1  Know exactly where you are going

Lesson 2  Don't rely on your Satnav-they don't always know where they are going either

Seven bikes and ten people left Tesco's car park in 28 degree temperatures, to journey through the Norfolk and Suffolk country side. Pretty villages , one visited twice !, cool forests and golden cornfields. Unfortunately Rob's beautiful VF 1000 objected to the heat and slow riding and he had to leave to return home using a faster route to get the air flowing through again. The rest arrived at Orford Ness, and having discarded motorcycle gear for something a lot cooler (one person who shall remain nameless being helped out of his leather jeans by a female volunteer), we made our way to the tearooms overlooking the river. After an excellent snack and a good natter, it was back to the car park where, at Tony's insistence, we had the obligatory ice cream. Then it was back into our motorcycle gear for the journey home.

A very hot ride, but good company and fun.
