Sunday 12th March 2023 Manhoc ride to Sleap Airfield
The programmed ride was to be to the Ponderosa, high in the Welsh mountains, but unfortunately, 2 previous days of snow put an end to that.
It was not until the Saturday evening that our shepherd saw an excellent change of weather forecast.
10 degrees and dry for the Sunday – unbelievable – and said to all “ the rideout is on!!
We would the head south and keep to the lowlands.
So from Pops 9 bikes and riders with 2 pillions headed down the twisty A49, through Wem, and turned right for the destination, Sleap Airfield – an ex RAF air base.
Here, there was a great club house with museum, excellent food (eggs benedict on a hot waffle is a must!), where we watched light and historic aircraft taking off and landing.
Return was through Ellesmere and its picturesque lakes, with further coffee and cake stop at Lockside, Whitchurch, and dispersal at Pops.
A surprising day then, as we thought there would be no ride out: however, it turned out to be another great Manhoc ride out.
Thanks to all.