THE GENESIS 1961-1971’
As some of you may know I have been working with Mike Evans to find out how and when the HOC GB started.
This turned into a bit of a crusade and after more than two years of work pulling all the threads together —a glossy A4 colour booklet has now been printed.
It is an attempt to document for posterity how Honda came to this country and how the HOC (GB) was formed, along with early photos and documents and personal stories from those people who were there. I felt strongly that I needed to do this before the evidence disappeared.
It is a non profit making venture and the cost you pay is what I paid to get it printed—plus P&P if required.
The cost for this publication of 48 pages plus cover is a mere £5 in person. P&P will be extra at £2.60 for 2nd Class.
If you would like a copy please let me know via Facebook or email Jude at —
I will have some copies at the AGM on the 22nd of October ( Pre Booking is advisable as currently only 10 copies are remaining ) from the original print run, so give your Branch Sec £5 and I will give them your copy to take back with them.
Payments at the Secs meet can also be taken by credit card.