Had a good turnout at the club last night. Many topics spoken about re the HOC. Needless to say the pubs profits went up.
If you have thought about joining us then pop along to the Dick Turpin pub and come and say hello.

Had a good turnout at the club last night. Many topics spoken about re the HOC. Needless to say the pubs profits went up.
If you have thought about joining us then pop along to the Dick Turpin pub and come and say hello.
Well, last night I was all ready to throw my toys out of the pram because nobody would come out to play […]
Phil, Thelma and the guys and gals head West to watch the Sunset on the Longest Day of the year. It was […]
Sunday 2nd August by Phil Barker. Some excited branch members, including Dave and Diane on the their new and very shiny Harley […]
Now that was a good day out, started of a little wet but ended up with my sun visor down and riding […]
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