A few pics from today’s wander around the Peaks.
We headed west to the Roaches then north through Buxton and then on down Winnats Pass.
After lunch at the Yonderman Cafe we headed home past Chatsworth.
A few pics from today’s wander around the Peaks.
We headed west to the Roaches then north through Buxton and then on down Winnats Pass.
After lunch at the Yonderman Cafe we headed home past Chatsworth.
Some members from Gloucester HOC, made the trip to Crofton Beam Engines and the Motorcycle Festival, they also took a look at […]
Dorset and Gloucester branches have just come back from a tour in Southern Ireland splitting our time between the West coast and […]
On a bright Sunday morning members of the Oxford HOC met up for a ride round some twisty and interesting roads before […]
Lakes and Coast Branch enjoy a socially distancing meeting. The Pooch had plenty of ideas for new rideouts as well xx
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