We had a hugely successful year starting with the Bristol Show—a good 1st showing there with a lot of interest shown. Next year we would love it if someone with a van could help transport bikes to the venue—or alternatively if members in that area could bring their bikes along to display that would help the burden on the HOC GB coffers.
Following our mission to take the Classic Show to all parts of the country we then went on to try another 1st—Birmingham National Motorcycle Museum, who were very supportive in both the planning and on the day. However, we didn’t have much support from local Branches, but we still had a very enjoyable day.
We then had our ever-successful show at Sammy Miller Museum—they are always so welcoming and supportive. Allen Millyard came along too and entertained everyone, and HONDA UK sent 3 bikes and paid for BikerPics to come along and take pictures of everyone for free—a great coup and another fun day for all.
Next year we plan to do about 3 shows – Sammy Miller being our main one and we have also been invited to have a stand at the Great Malvern Classic Show -which shows we are getting known.
In 2024 we plan to do Sammy Millers as our main show —21st July 2024
and some of the below-
- Bristol
- Stafford
- The Great Malvern Classic Motorcycle Festival (13/14th April 2024)
- Elsewhere—suggestions please?
We would also like to encourage some of the other Branches to fly the classic flag at events or even host their own classic show with support from the Classic Team. We gain a lot of members from Classic dating etc and we are trying to give them a reason to stay.
We always need help at the shows we attend so we will be starting a helpers register to try and make sure we are fully staffed—please email your name and email and area lived in to classic@hoc.org.uk or see Steve Cribbin at the AGM.
We’ve learned a lot of lessons this year and next year’s shows will hopefully be even better!! Any ideas on how to improve always welcome and if you want to get involved get in touch!