Dear all,
Steve & I have been busy putting together our main classic events for 2024. The aim of doing this is to try and retain members who join in order to get access to our Classic Dating and to provide something other members might find interesting too. So far we have-
24th/25th February
Bristol Classic Bike Show
Bath & West Showground
13th/14th April
The Great Malvern Classic Show (much more than a bike show – )
Three Counties Showground,
WR13 6NW
Sunday 21st July
The Honda Owners Club Classic Show at Sammy’s
Sammy Miller Motorcycle Museum
Bashley Crossroads
BH25 5SZ
This is the big one and if you haven’t been it’s worth a visit – or even make a weekend of it!
- Concours for classic Hondas 20 years old and older – prizes for members & certificates for non members.
- The amazing Sammy Miller Museum & visits to Sammy’s workshop and bike startups
- Great Cafe
- Special Guests
- Honda UK bikes
- BikerPics (hopefully)
Steve C & I do need some help with putting on these shows – so if you can spare just an hour or so to help set up/take down or man the stand or bring along your classic Honda bike – we would love to hear from you –
These events are open to all HOC members who have a classic bike or two or might like to peruse bikes of yesteryear.
You might even like to hold a Classic Bike event in your area – we will help you with this.
Any ideas or comments on any of the above always gratefully received – we are always open to suggestions!
Many thanks for reading – I hope you made it this far!
Steve Cribbin & Jude Browne
(Joint Classic Secs)